Les inscriptions d’Antioche de Pisidie à Hüyüklü

Guy LEBARRE  Mehmet ÖZSAİT   590–597 | Download


Abstract: In the municipal Park of the village of Hüyüklü, stands several inscriptions coming from the colonie of Pisidian Antioch and reflecting the society of the Roman colonie. One, in Latin language, is a new inscription set up by the vicus Venerius in honour of Cn. Dottius Plancianus, patron of the colonie. The others, in Greek language, are unpublished epitaphs with the exception of one, but the copy of J. R. S. Sterrett in 1884–1885 is emended.

Keywords: Pisidian Antioch; Hüyüklü; Cn. Dottius Plancianus; city patron; epitaphs.



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